Getting started
We want you to succeed at UC. That’s why it’s important to think about your two options for applying: As a freshman or junior-level transfer student. Make sure to contact our campus admissions staff who can help you determine which option is right for you.
Good to know:
Good to know:
Starting at community college
Community college is a good way to get ready for UC. We give California community college students first priority over other transfer applicants, and community college can offer you a solid foundation in classes you’ll need for your bachelor’s degree. Even if you're not yet ready to apply, there are steps you can take now to prepare:
Talk with your college counselor about what courses to take
It’s a good idea to meet with a counselor or adviser during your first term to figure out your interests and education goals. Based on these, your adviser can help you decide what courses to take to prepare for UC.
Learn about UC’s transfer process
Our admissions website will help you learn all the steps you'll need to take — and when — to be considered for UC admission. You can also find out what financial aid is available to you and how it works with your benefits.
Stay on track with UC’s Transfer Admissions Planner (UC TAP)
Once you’ve started planning your classes, you can start entering them into UC TAP – a tool that tracks your progress toward meeting UC admission requirements. It can also serve as your application for the UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG), a program that offers guaranteed admission for well-prepared transfer students.